


  • 卧室:5
在达勒姆市最受欢迎的住宅地段,很少有机会购买如此出色的住宅物业。这座独立的三层住宅已经由当前居住者进行了令人印象深刻的翻新,并在一个有吸引力的时期内提供了豪华的现代生活住宿,场地延伸超过半英亩。住所大致包括;优雅的接待走廊设有全高窗户,可看到车道和配有百叶窗的后院。早餐厨房提供了一个开放的平面元素,配备了大量的墙壁和地板单元,配有花岗岩台面,集成电器和中央岛台。这座房子的主要特色是橘子园和它那令人惊叹的灯笼风格的屋顶,它带来了自然光。家庭娱乐室有一扇漂亮的飘窗,可以看到花园。宽敞的休息室设有大理石壁炉环绕,结合大理石壁炉和嵌有活火焰燃气火。带有种植百叶窗和楼下w/c的当代书房完成了一楼。一楼的画廊平台提供了一个木制地板的阳光露台。主卧室宽敞,设有步入式更衣室,套间设有按摩浴缸和按摩浴缸水力/蒸汽淋浴设备。 Bedroom two has fitted wardrobes and an ensuite with walk in shower. The family bathroom is fully tiled with tiled floor and a walk in shower and double Jacuzzi bath.To the second floor the gallery landing leads to bedroom three with French doors leading out on to the south facing balcony with wrought iron railings and has an ensuite with a walk in double shower. Bedroom four has a beautiful outlook onto the formal gardens and woodland. Bedroom five has French doors leading to balcony overlooking gardens to front elevation and woodland beyond.Externally the ease of communication links throughout the area would hardly be noticed when situated in the house as the mature trees and hedgerows to the boundary provide a higher degree of seclusion and privacy with the concealed driveway accessing the property off the main road and via electronic gates to the courtyard parking and to the detached garage. Access is provided via steps to a raised sun terrace and into the property itself. The gardens have gone through major refurbishment by an award winning landscape architects. The easy accessibility into the City as well as its easy communication links will make this property a most desirable purchase to any family.Accessibility throughout the area is provided via the nearby A167 which provides access north to Chester le Street (6 miles) as well as access to the nearby A691 which provides access west to Lanchester (7miles) and Consett (10 miles).The city itself offers a fascinating mix of history, culture, shops, bars and restaurants and the Castle and Cathedral complex have been designated World Heritage Sites attracting tourism from around the world. The Gala Theatre adds another dimension to the City which also offers meandering river and City walks as well as hotels, swimming pools, golf courses all within close proximity and a number of well regarded private and state junior and secondary schools.

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