Dumfries-Shire Dairy Farmer Willie Purdie在重新设计他的饲料比赛后录制了他最高的牛奶产量。


新的冬季比例包括哈布罗Maizemilk 18螺母 - 一个定制的混合物,包括Maxammon谷物 - 以及alkacid和糖蜜。它由销售经理,斯图尔特卡梅伦制定,他创造了饮食,以满足奶牛的营养需求,同时最大化性能,以补充农场的牧草和其他饲料。


"We’re achieving more litres than we’ve usually seen, with around 500 litres on average more, every day, compared to last year, which certainly adds up across the whole herd over a period of time. This has equated to an increase of around three litres/cow/day on average.


Maizemilk 18坚果被送入挤奶厅中,并将混合物混合在马西亚,圆形,alk酸和糖蜜的马匹,作为零件混合配对(PMR),以至于高和低挤奶组。

Willie added: “Stuart Cameron and Maimie Sloan, Harbro’s dairy technical nutritionist, have worked closely with us throughout and the thing we’ve found really interesting is that the cows have milked exactly as predicted, proving the accuracy of the data we’re getting from the programme. I am happy that I’ve seen how closely we can control, monitor and improve our performance.”

营养物质配给程序 - 它如何工作?


它使得能够为更高效和更具成本效益的饮食,提供从发酵和消化的最终产品(动态净能量 - Dyne)提供的能量的准确测量。


Stuart Cameron pointed out the different ways in which the system is already being used on-farm: “We’re using it not only to create whole diets that complement a farm’s existing feedstuffs and forage, but we’re also using the data generated to create bespoke dairy meals and blends to achieve the production, health and fertility aims of the farms we work with.”





Maimie Sloan一直在推出该计划的推出,既在发展中也是培训团队如何使用它。她说:“我们的营养商配给程序为我们提供了一种更准确的配给我们饲料的方法,但为了充分实现这一点,必须具有准确的绩效数据,以及奶牛正在进行的情况农场。“

“Along with the nutritional information we’re getting from the rationing programme, we’re continually studying cow performance, using existing data from CIS and NMR milk recording data through InterHerd+, along with our Harbro Milk Monitor to see exactly how the cows are performing.

